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Everything posted by Flamecrow

  1. Tharbad Trouble: The Visitor, again --Background: The mysterious visitor has come to visit Rainor, the former Grand High Sorcerer of the Mage Council, once again. This takes place a few days after the first visit described above.-- Two guards once more lie on the floor of a torch lit hallway. The man in the black mantle bend over them. "Zleep vell, boyz..." The former Grand High Sorcerer wakes from a turmoiled slumber, hitting his fist against the wall as his nightmares slowly begin to fade into reality. He whispers softly as he wipes the blood from his hand. "...Aerilla...
  2. FYI - the blinding of the caster from mud rolling should now be fixed so that it blinds the enemies within range instead.
  3. Tharbad Trouble: The Visitor --Background: Rainor, the former Grand High Sorcerer of the Tharbad Mage Council was arrested by the council as he was risking the neutrality of Tharbad in hopes of saving a fellow sorceress, Aerilla. Aerilla had saved the life of Queen Fina Aega of Southern Annakol during the fifth Annakol Festival where an attempt was made on her life by an assassin. Aerilla herself was wounded with a poisoned shuriken in the process; the poison proving incurable. The Tharbad Mage Council covered up that Aerilla was fighting for her life to the outside world to maintain the n
  4. New Grand High Sorcerer in Tharbad The Tharbad Mage Council announced that the position of Grand High Sorcerer has been filled by Master Mercon Havensworth, a long time respected member of the Tharbad community. A spokesman of the Tharbad Mage council was able to tell us that they have great hopes for the development of the Sorcerer's Council under the adequate leadership of Master Havensworth. The position of Grand High Sorcerer has been kept vacant since the arrest of the former Grand High Sorcerer Rainor, who was arrested and is currently in prison awaiting a charge of treason against
  5. That update to my knowledge has not been put on the server yet and hence not been made available to the general public. At least, for as far as I know.
  6. We're working on it, thanks for your feedback. We really need feedback on things like this to be able to improve the world for everyone's enjoyment. Thing will not change instantly, but without knowing there is a problem it is impossible to even consider ways to improve it. So thank you for your feedback.
  7. Good luck with the new job, feel free to drop in whenever you have a moment.
  8. I know I am risking sounding like an ass here... but I have a number of things which I think you need to at least be aware. As Wolfy said, Drow will require an application. If you want to play such a character please send me an application request with background prior to making and playing said character on the server. The DMs will look this over and I will get back to you as soon as possible with either suggestions to change the background a bit, sometimes an immediate yes, or sometimes a straight out no; of course with an explanation. Great that you want to RP when there is no one
  9. Thanks, for what it's worth I think everyone will likely need a relevel. From the look of things even my new hak update will not do what I want. The system will not allow for what I want it to do without a relevel. My apologies, but as Mike said... it's worth it. Also, if there are bugs, please let me know asap so I can fix them. For instance the mud rolling I can fix easily, but I do need to know about it. Fixes such as that are hak download free.
  10. I stand corrected, this is a problem but I have already send in a fix for it. Right now the only way to make this work is by a total relevel of all HL levels. My apologies for not having noticed this during my testing and for having you download an update yet again in such a short amount of time.
  11. I fear I have some good and some bad news. The new class update is in. There were some reports of it not working, but some research has shown that there are just some minor issues with it which will NOT effect playability. They will however lead to confusion, hence this post. Thanks to Malishara for helping me test this. New characters: REQUIREMENTS of the class are listed incorrectly. They include the Mounted Combat Feat. Make sure you have 4 Ride Skill and Mounted Combat and the DM leveling allowed variable on you (ask your DM). Once all of that is set, you can level. Perso
  12. I fear I will have to correct you there Wolfgang, we do have Sehanine in the pantheon. She's one part of the Triune Goddess Angharradh even. So using Sehanine is fine. That said, it is a very good suggestion to look at all the religious overview sometime so you know what gods are there and who they are in Annakolia. There are some deviations from say, DnD equivalents, from time to time.
  13. I understand your problems, though I think there are a number of tips and tricks to help with some of the problems you state. 1) Archers: Archers can switch to a melee weapon as well. Indeed an archer that tries to shoot things at point blank range may experience problems, however in general terms an Arcane Archer build tends to have ranger and/or fighter levels, making them quite descent fighters in melee combat. So the answer can be start of with arrows and switch to a melee weapon (+shield) when the enemy gets too close. If you were going for either a pure mage or bard build, you may
  15. Unique Abilities These abilities can only be taken at level 10 Horselord. This means that a character can only have one of these abilities. All of these abilities are used on activation. Blessing of the Harras The Blessing of the Harras restores most status afflictions on those near the horselord and heals them aswell. Must be mounted to use. REQUIRED: - Horselord level 10 - Healing Nuzzle 3 - Show Horse 5 or Charming Prance 3 Uses: 3 uses/day Effects: Heal 4d20 + 300 hit points of all allies near the caster and remove most negative effects. For Those Who Came Before By
  16. On-use Abilities The following abilities are all used on activation. The first time these feats can be taken at Horselord level 1, then level 4 and then level 7. Charming Prance By prancing around the horselord and its horse can charm their enemies. The graceful display will also inspire their allies in battle by increasing their attack rolls. Must be mounted to use. Uses: 3 uses/day Effect by times that the feat was taken: General: The Duration, Damage Class and Power will increase with more levels in the Horselord class. They will increase further by taking the feat multiple time
  17. Horse Bond Abilities All of the feats below are activated with the Horse Bond ability. Each feat can be taken up to 5 times. The first time it can be taken at Horselord level 1, then level 3, level 5, 6 and 7. When the character has the feat its effects will automatically be applied to the character when using he Horse Bond ability. They will last as long as the character remains mounted. Horse Bond Horselords have an extraordinary bond with their horse; often training together with the horse from childhood. Also, a Horselord spends a large part of his life living on horseback, both fo
  18. Horselord The Horselord, an image of a valliant hero, a warrior and his mighty steed. The Horselord's training differs from the normal warriors as they train both body and mind. Through this the bond with their steeds intensifies, making for a stronger and more impressive combination. - Hit Die: d9 - Proficiencies: - - Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier REQUIREMENTS: Feats: Mounted Combat Skills: 4 Ranks in Ride Other: Leveling only possible when activated by the Horselord DM. ABILITIES: Level 1: Horse Bond, Mounted Archery, Bonus Feat 2: Bonus Feat 3: Bonus Feat 4:
  19. Ice Power Ice Power is the source of the Winter Witch's power. Every spell cast takes uses from this common pool. When the pool is empty no more spells can be cast. Using the power directly results in a beam of ice shooting at the enemy. Ice Spike Required Ability: 12 Ice Power Cost: 2 A spike of pure ice shoots from the caster's hand at the target, causing cold damage to the target. Mass Ray of Frost Required Ability: 13 Ice Power Cost: 3 As the normal mages toy around with their Ray of Frost cantrip, the Winter Witch has taken the spell to a whole new level. This variant of t
  20. Winter Witch The Winter Witch is not necisarilly a witch, or even female. However many of them have been named such by local farmers and peasants. In truth the Winter Witch is merely a specialised spellcaster, focussing on ice spells. Note 1: The Winter Witch casts spells on either charisma or wisdom. The highest of the two stats is used to determine if a spell can be cast or not. All spells list the base ability needed to cast them. Note 2: The Winter Witch uses Ice Power to cast spells. Your amount of Ice Power increases as you gain more levels in the Winter Witch Class. All sp
  21. Wind Power The wind power is the essense from which all the powers the Wind Sniper has, are drawn from. The power can also be used directly to enchant a stack of projectiles or to unleash a wind gust. Wind Guided By activating this ability the Wind Sniper sacrifices all attacks but one and gains an increase in hit chance and damage for the duration of the ability. This ability can only be activated while a ranged weapon is equiped, when it is unequiped the effects will go away. Riding the Wind The Wind Sniper can use this ability to quickly disappear and reappear over a short dist
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