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Everything posted by charissa1066

  1. Be safe and keep in touch, Mike.
  2. Thanks, Ro. She fractured a vertebra in her lower back. On Wednesday they fixed that surgically. We're hoping she'll get better soon, but she's still in a lot of pain.
  3. ♪♫ Happy Birthday, Spiffy Fox! ♪♫
  4. I hope you had a good evening with your dad. As it was, I missed the game, too. I took my mom to the ER and spent the day there with her. :(
  5. ♪♫ Happy Birthday, Feather! ♪♫
  6. Malishara, thank you for the lovely seasonal decorations in the Entry Area! Wonderful Wintry scene and much welcomed Spring Flowers!
  7. Gnomar is under seige. Reports of the catastrophe are sketchy, but the an influx of refugees from Gnomar confirm that something horrible has happened. One witness reported that a "Big Evil" had taken out 1000 golems in one night. "We had to get out of there!" She said. "When the golems failed to stop it, there was nothing we could do." When asked what this big evil is, she merely shook her head, shuddered, and turned away. This reporter managed to locate one refugee who gave this ominous description. "Taller than an old dragon and with a face from your worst nightmar
  8. Renewed: IP.Content Mar 2011. Fee: $15.00 Vendor: InvisionPower Covers: Access tech support, downloads, company forums, resource site, and any services attached to your license.
  9. ♪♫ :D Happy Birthday,Wolfgang! :D ♪♫
  10. Be safe, Mike. Don't work too hard. We'll be here when you can play again.
  11. NW Ohio is blanketed with several inches of ice. Somewhere in our neighborhood a transformer arced, sparked, and died. Our power winked out. The battery back-up is only eough to shut down equipment. The power company says that over 20,000 customers are without power in our area. We don't know how long it will be before our power is restored. Until the power is back on the server will be down. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. I'm sorry to say that we can't play the game today. Barry has a doctors appointment, and we'll be in an Ann Arbor all day.
  13. Rest and get well, LG. My new weapons are a shovel shovel and a long handled ice scraper. Wolfgang and I have shoveled snow just about every day over the last week. *flexes biceps* I will be overjoyed when I see those little green shoots of crocus in my garden.
  14. Rest and get well soon, Feather. I will be thinking of you.
  15. I'm sorry for your loss, Feather. You have some great memories of Hanneman. He was one lucky goat to have such a loving friend.
  16. I know the feeling, Ro. Start one book, finding another. So many books, so little time. I've found a great way to read two books and fill up empty hours in a long commute. :D Currently, I am reading two books: Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb -- It's set in another part of the world where the Farseer Trilogy occurs. Hobb writes High Fantasy stories that aren't LotR wannabes. Grave Peril by Jim Butcher -- Read by James Marsters. This one is another hard-boiled detective novel with a twist. The detective is a wizard. I listen to it during my commute to and from work. Marsters
  17. We have a lot of Real Life stuff on our minds. I came home from a long shift in the PICU only an hour before gametime, showered, & collapsed on the sofa. Sorry, I completely forgot. Barry is preoccupied and simply forgot, too. We're sorry. I would have enjoyed playing, but for being so exhausted. It sounds like the club house is coming along. I look forward to seeing it.
  18. Hehe... Kaylin would like a meditation chamber with cushions, a little fountain, and some plants. Unicorns not allowed! :P Oh and please include maps in Cheryl's library.
  19. Ya'll Sign-up! Ya'll Come! Posted on Neverwinter Connections!
  20. Due to Real Life conflicts Halflings will be canceled January 14th and January 21. Halflings will resume January 28th!
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