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Posts posted by Feather

  1. Additions to the post I can't edit:


    Houseboat in Elomen




    Wax Museum


    Large apartment with fridge: Zin

    Large suite: Mme. Ludmilla

    Small room with cat: vacant

    Large room with bunk beds: Beebee & family (unofficially...trying to remember if I gave out a key for it...previously occupied by Slink)

    Noisy small room - vacant



    Hunter's room: Vacant (player not on server for a long while)

    Small scholars room: Vacant (player not on server for a long while)

    Large room on the left: Wicked Fox's characters

    Large room on the right: Vacant

  2. This is the PAs and DMs only post



    Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:38 pm by @charissa1066 Post subject: For DMs and PAs Information:

    Current Tenants


    Annakol Apartment Main Floor

    • A. Vacant
      B. Lucian/RoninJim
      C. Philius Wolfslayer/xPYSNEOx
      D. Miss Tanya/RoAnnon
      E. Primestus & Dimestus/NeoRebel
      F. Samantha Caldwell/RoAnnon
      G. Evening Star/Bud E (Vacant)

    Annakol Apartments Below

    A through F are Small Rooms

    • A. Jade/Player?
      B. Vacant
      C. Vacant
      D. Arthur Pen/Arthur Pen
      E. Vacant
      F. Vacant
      Regal Suite: Myril/KennyWesterberg and Mykkal/mkmddx


    • A. Terrentrilius Thoughtkeeper/lyric (ddonald)
      B. Laura Silverfist/Wolfgang_1066
      C. Suite/Katya Di'ren, known to the public as "Ms Summer"/Mairie
      D. Candy Tyess/Sol Arbriel
      E. Daisy Baggins/Wolfgang_1066 (Available)
      F. Tigerlike Tinglas & Figdish Jigflox/Feather
      G. Padrin

    Annakol Forest

    • Treehouse Northwest Corner (available)

    Village of Nif

    • Dun House -- vacant
      Jack's House -- NPCs
      Vego's Parents' House -- NPCs
      House A -- Florence to Bud E. Patteel/Jenniza and Bud E(Vacant)
      R&R Tower -- Mykkal/mkmddx & Myril/Kennywest
      R&R Shack -- Rose/AthenaMeter & Reive/Flamecrow

    Golden Forest West -- Riverbend (Humans/Half elves Only)

    • 1. Vacant
      2. Vacant
      3. Vacant
      4. Vacant
      5. Vacant
      6. Character? -- Dyerx

    Bree House

    • NPC -- Village Healer: Balsom Verondin's Girl Friend played by Winsome, Atheletic Woman[/i]

    Annakol West -- Dwarven Enclave (Dwarf Only)

    • Several small apartments and Dormitory Facilities

    Esterbury Monastary (Elves only -- special application)

    • Several small apartments

    Bain Mountain Monastary

    • Dormitory Facilities

    Amberflame Castle -- Upstairs

    • 1. Ginger Baker/charissa_1066
      2. Vacant
      3. Vacant
      4. Vacant

    • Amberflame Castle Dormitories

    Lowland Shire Halfling Houses

    • 1. NPCs Premier Charles Goodbody & his daughter Posey (Castle is gone)
      2. Vacant
      3. Vacant
      4. Character?/Malishara
      5. Vacant
      6. Yarrow/nightsun94 & Vindur/wickedfox999
      7. Vacant
      8. Vacant
      9. Vacant
      10. Vacant
      11. Vacant
      12. Maaya/TeroA aka: LiamSho
      13. Vacant
      14. Vacant
      15. Robin and Axle Wainwright -- slink and Bud E. (Vacant)
      16. Fyrn Baker/Malishara
      17. (formerly #16) Karin-Lightfoot Residence (Pavel, Anastasia, & Lily) -- Barry_1066, charissa1066, & wolfgang_1066

    No doubt some other important Shire NPCs should have houses assigned to them.


    Lathine Tree Houses


    Barry is in the process of numbering these. Not all have interiors.

    • NW corner Treehouse (underconstruction): RoAnnath/RoAnnon & Tyailny/AthenaMeter
      Treehouse: Peregrina/AthenaMeter & Vander/GreatCloak
      Unlocked area designated to Aunika/Noa

    (Updated 10/5/08

    Museum apartments added by Feather - 12/09/10 or would if the editor would work...max length?

  3. Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:45 am by @charissa1066 re Annakol Apartments


    Thanks to Spiffy Fox we now have persistant storage! icon_biggrin.gif One 50-Item storage container will come with each player apartment or house. Since each container requires a unique tag, they will be activated shortly after the apartment/house is leased.


    One important safety tip. Don't put any precious containers, such as Magic Bags or Bags of Holding, in storage. The container disappears while the items in the cantainer remain.

  4. Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:04 pm by @charissa1066



    There are a number of houses available to half-elf, human, or elf PCs. Several houses are available for halfing PCs in the Shire. Some customization of placeables can be done to these houses.

    • Cost for these premade houses: 20 Roleplay Gems and 50,000 gold pieces

    We will accept full credit from the cost of an apartment towards a house from PCs who've previously purchased apartments. Custom housing is negotiable, however limited. The cost of this is obviously going to be more.

  5. Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:46 pm by @charissa1066 Post subject: Annakol Apartments


    Cost of Permanent Lease

    • Main Floor Apartments:10 Roleplay Gems and 20,000 gp
      Small Single Room/Below: 5 Roleplay Gems and 15,000 gp
      Regal Suite & Upstairs Suite (Apartment C): 10 Roleplay Gems and 30,000 gp

    Keyed apartments includes access to private swimming pool.


    Current Tenants

    Annakol Apartment Main Floor

    • A. Vacant
      B. Under contract
      C. Under contract
      D. Under contract
      E. Vacant
      F. Under Contract
      G. Vacant

    Annakol Apartments Below

    A through F are Small Rooms

    • A. Under contract
      B. Vacant
      C. Vacant
      D. Under contract
      E. Vacant
      F. Vacant
      Regal Suite: Under Contract


    • A. Undercontract
      B. Under contract
      C. Under contract
      D. Under contract
      E. Available
      F. Under contract
      G. Under contract

    Leases may be shared between two characters.

    If housing gets short, players who are absent from the server without notice for 3 months forfeit their apartment.

    The full value of the lease may be turned-in towards upgraded housing as it becomes available.


    Custom Housing has special requirements. PM Charissa for details.


    (updated 10/5/08 )

  6. More clarification from the Server Owner: Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:01 am by @Barry_1066


    In Character, a dead person who has NOT respawned is NOT dead.


    That person is gravely injured requiring advanced medical attention.


    ONLY when a dead person respawns and goes to one of the after life realms is that person truly dead. At that time there is a penalty.


    At no time should a death WITHOUT respawn be role played in ANY other way than having been gravely injured.


    Such RP is no different that drinking a potion of healing or using a healing kit or receiving healing from a cleric, druid, ranger, paladin, etc. One does not receive an xp penalty for being healed.




  7. Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:04 am by @Barry_1066 Post subject: Character Death -- When it is and When it is NOT Death



    I am posting this here so all New players as well and those established ones can reference it.


    The following is how we wish Death to be RPed on Annakolia.


    A player in a death state is NOT dead unless they respawn, they are near death and require exceptional magic -- raise dead or resurect -- to recover. This is and continues to be the OFFICIAL RP of death on this server.


    If they respawn, a death took place and the diety or dieties have returned them for unknown reasons.


    Role Play: I was unto death's door. You were so hurt, I had to use exceptional magic (raise dead or resurrect spells) to heal you.


    NEVER: I died three times. I rased you from the dead.


    If you respawned, then you are able to say you died but then you need to RP being sent back by the gods.



  8. Yondalla; Provider, Protector, Nurturing Matriarch


    Yondalla is the Protector and Provider of Halflings; she is the Nurturing Matriarch, not only of all Halflings but of the Halfling pantheon as well. Like all good matriarchs she is gentle and maternal for most of the time, but she can be strong and fierce when anything or anyone threatens those in her care. Her benign but firm rule has ensured that unlike most of the races, Halflings only rarely succumb to evil. When Halflings do fall prey to evil ways she does not angrily punish them, she attempts to gently guide them back onto the true paths.


    Symbol: Shield with cornucopia.


    Domains: Good, Plant, Protection, War


    Portfolio: Protection, fertility, the Halfling race, children, security, leadership, diplomacy, wisdom, the cycle of life, creation, family and familial love, tradition, community, and harmony.


    Yondalla is also the goddess of fertility and growing. She can restore life and fertility to a barren land, and ensures the fields and orchards are full of growth to give comfort and plenty to the Halflings. She also watches over the birth and growth of Halfling young.


    The family is of central importance to Halfling culture and Yondallas concern and care for families is equally as important as her care for growing things. The goddess watches and intervenes where necessary to ensure that the families remain strong, close and peaceful.


    Although she is gentle, benign and peaceful goddess, she is also the fierce protector. Her nature is such that she avoids conflict, especially with the gods of other creatures, but when Halfling lives, homes and lands are challenged she is a skilled, fearsome and powerful warrior. She can wither (cause premature aging) those beings that dare attack Halflings.


    As a sign of her favour, Yondalla can bring favourable weather that blesses both the Halfling people and the fields they tend. Conversely those who attack the Halflings or offend Yondalla may find themselves beset by decidedly unfavourable weather.


    When she appears to her people she may tale on the form of a golden glow, but she usually appears as a highly attractive hafling woman, with a strong and determined but gentle mien. She has long golden hair, a skirt of forest green, a corn yellow and earth brown tunic, and a stout wooden shield.




    There are very few formal temples to Yondalla, she is more commonly worshipped at small shrines and in the home. If temples do exist they are simple buildings carved into the hillside. The church is responsible both for caring and providing for Halflings, and for defending them. The clerics maintain a stockpile of both food and weapons, and if needed they are fierce defenders. Prayers to Yondalla are made at first rising in the morning and her clerics follow simple rules.


    Seek peace and comfort, for a life lived with both is true wealth. Lead through example, and know the activities of those you lead so that you can help shoulder their burdens when need be. Treasure your family, for your parents gave you life and your children are your future. Care for the aged and the weak, for you never know when you may be one of the strong laid low.


  9. Ohhh I wanna do it from my iPhone, too!


    Is it only Iphones? I'm hunting for a smart phone that is not nearly the stratospheric price of an Iphone (not wanting to commit to a 3 year contract)

    and allowing my to Annakol forum on it would certainly be a big check in the Pros column.

  10. Since removing time/datestamps can be tedious, you can download the NWN Log Viewer from the NWN Vault at this link: http://nwvault.ign.c....Detail&id=1045 You need Net.Framework 2.0 but that is included in most recent iterations of Windows.


    Which will make the whole process painless. There used to be an online chat log parser but a quick search could not locate it. I'll try my other bookmarks and post here if I find it.


    Online parser can be found here: http://www.tilansia.com/logparse.php

  11. Are new players to the session allowed, and are there any level limits?


    If newbies are allowed, can you tell me about the game so I know who would fit in better?



    Hi Tala

    Yes, new players are welcome. An explanation of the campaign is on the calendar (copied directly from the old forum).

    Basically the premise is that you are a student (regular or auditing) at the Miskatonic University in Arkham.

    On the surface, this seems a rather dull and mundane activity. But current and past students wiil be able to tell you of lectures that go

    horridly wrong, university faculty that disappear in mysterious circumstances, and outside forces that seem bent on, at the very least,

    distrupting learning at the university, if not trying to destroy it.


    OCC the game is very much influenced by the mythos of H.P. Lovecraft and the game Call of Cthuhu.


    If you are just dropping in occasionally, any level is fine, though if you are very high, I might ask that you only join in combat if things look dire.

    If you wish to create a pc to enroll as a regular student, I will raise that character to level 15, to reflect your first year status. Since the

    University has departments of learning ranging from Mathematics to Religious Studies, almost any of the available classes would be fine.

    Even a straight fighter might be attending on a sports scholarship.


    There is a registration procedure for full time students that I will copy over from the old forum in the next day or two.

  12. War


    Battle Master: The clerics gains a bonus of 1 + 1 per 5 levels to Dexterity, Constitution, Attack Rolls and Damage. As well the cleric receives double this value as damage reduction. The effect will last for 5 rounds + charisma modifer.

    Bonus Spells: The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: Cat's Grace (2), Aura of Vitality (7).





    Corellon Larethian






  13. Trickery


    Divine Trickery: Bonus to Hide, Persuade, Search, Disable Trap, Move Silently, Open Lock, and Pick Pockets checks equal to 1 per 2 levels. This effect lasts for 5 turns + the cleric's Charisma modifier.

    Bonus Spells: The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: Invisibility (2), Invisibility Sphere (3), Improved Invisibility (5).


    Garl Glittergold


    Deep Sashelas


    Ethellon (Luck)









    Loki *required domain for cleric of Loki



  14. Sun


    Exceptional Turning: Add 1d6 to all turning checks to determine the maximum HD of undead turned. Also add 1d4 to the number of undead Hit Dice turned.

    Bonus Spells: The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: Searing Light (2), Sunbeam (7).




    Ra *required domain for cleric of Ra


  15. Protection


    Divine Protection: Available to Clerics of the Protection Domain. The cleric is able to cast an improved form of Sanctuary that sets the save DC at 10 + Chr Modifier + Clerical Level. The effect has a duration of 1 round per caster level + Charisma modifier.

    Bonus Spells: The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: Minor Globe of Invulnerability (4), Energy Buffer (5).



    Berronar Truesilver


    Garl Glittergold








    Hanali Celani

    Corellon Larethian









  16. Magic


    Bonus Spells: The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: Mage Armor (1), Melf's Acid Arrow (2), Negative Energy Burst (3), Stoneskin (4), Ice Storm (5).


    Isis, the Enchantress

    Mystra, Mother of Mysteries*required domain for a cleric of Mystra

    Sehanine Moonbow

    Corellon Larethian (elves), Creator of the Elves

    Artemis, Goddess of the Wilderness

    Bes (dwarves), God of Luck

    Oghma, the Binder

    Goddess of Evil Magic

    Aisha, Mistress of Night

    Lloth, Demon Queen of Spiders

  17. Healing


    Empower Healing: The following healing spells are cast as if Empowered by the feat: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds.

    Bonus Spells: The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: Cure Serious Wounds (2), Heal(5).


    Benthar, the Benevolent

    Berronar Truesilver (dwarves), the Reverend Mother

    Eirene/Pax, Goddess of Peace and Spring

    Ilmatar, Goddess of Mothers and Healing

    Tyr, the Sky God

    Isis, the Enchantress

    Mielikki, Our Lady of the Forest

    St. Marcus, the Great Baker

    Hanali Celani

    Corellon Larethian (elves), Creator of the Elves

    Artemis, Goddess of the Wilderness

    Ishtar, Goddess of Love and War

    Hades, God of the Underworld

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