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Posts posted by Feather

  1. I've had news today that our Best Goat Ever Hanneman died today (Feb. 8). While he and I sometimes had issues when it came time to be put to bed, I'll miss him a lot. We were always the envy of hikers as we set up our gourmet picnic site. Thanks to Hanny packin in basket, blankets, grub, wine and burner or portable stove. He loved to have the space between his horns scritched. My two shetland sheep will miss him, he looked over them as if they were part of his own flock. He served as a flock protector, mini-pony, hiking buddy, and good-will ambassador.


    I hope that, wherever good goats go when they die, it is full of fields of prickly blackberry bushes, cedars and sapling alder trees.

    post-9-081278400 1297249349_thumb.jpg

  2. I'm still battling a flu/cold bug. It seems to be winning the battles but I am hopeful that I'll win the war. Unless I take a huge turn for the better, I'm unlikely to be well enough to play in either the Ranger pickup game or Horselords.


    Though, since Sunday is THE DAY for football fanatics, it would be nice to escape SB madness with a few hours on Annakolia.



    Have fun, everyone playing Sunday. For those glued to their TV sets cheering on their team, best of luck.

  3. Many many appologies, but I've been laid low with a cold. I've been up for about an hour and want nothing more than my pillow again. I caught myself a few times in yesterday's Girl Ranger game with keyboard rash :unsure:



    We will play again! Doggie's been given a clean bill of health and evil sheep should be snug in their pen....



    Next Game:


    Wednesday, January 19, 2:30 Pacific Standard Time (5:30 EST)


    Classes resume at the University!



  4. Hi Forum gurus


    When anything is quoted, ie pretty much anything in a reply to an original post, my screen is showing the quote in a white box with the quoted text also in white. This becomes tedious as I have to highlight every single quote in the thread to see what's being said or replied to. Is this a setting I can adjust? Is anyone else have that problem?


    I'd also love to be able to adjust the margin of the forum. Right now it's about 2 inches to the right on my screen and I have to shift over every time to read the right hand part of the screen. It may have to do with the pretty border and my 17 in. monitor, but if there's a preference fix, I'd love to have less border and more message board.





  5. The Skeptics Club is taking a winter break during the Yule Season. In its place will be special Yule themed games. Everyone is welcome.


    Wednesdays 1, 8, 15, and 22 at 2:30 Pacific Standard Time (5:30 EST)


    This week (Dec. 1) Edbur Hilbert organizes a TOUR to find the Yule Bringer at the North Pole

  6. I was planning to run a game today


    Wednesday, November 17, 2:30 Pacific Standard Time (5:30 EST)





    I am taking my dog to the vet one hour before game time and may not make it back in time. I'm also fighting back pain and won't be able to rest it before game time (due to previously mentioned vet visit) Therefore please consider the game postponed until


    Wednesday, November 24, 2:30 Pacific Standard Time (5:30 EST)


    Sorry for the latish notice, my back's sort of hour to hour right now and it's been a painful morning.

  7. A little girl in a green Girl Ranger uniform carefully writes out the following and hands it in to the newspaper editor:


    Wanted: 1 Soothing Polt Ice recipe. Willing to trade hunny for it or work errands. See Beebee at the bee garden or beside the funny looking halfling guy on the North Annakol Road.

  8. Abyssal Tendrils 1 Annakol Players 0


    The server is down while tendrils run amok. Regular service will be restored as soon they tire or a server owner notices what they are doing, whichever comes first.


    RoA dms and administrators are sorry for any incovenience, things will be back to normal as soon as possible.

  9. oh shoot! i didn't see anything an hour before hand so i figured it was a no go whoopsie...oh well next time guys.



    Sorry everyone. I was a bit late posting that there was a game. I waited about 15 min. and then made arrangements to go shopping. My Dear Little Dog is on a special diet right now and the ingrediants were on sale so I nipped out to Save Save Save (that is Spend Spend Spend).





    Wednesday, November 3, 2:30 Pacific Daylight Time (5:30 EDT)

  10. Hello Everyone

    I've just had the most interesting talk with the person who owns the land my sheep live on. The upshot of which is they need to be moved to their new pasture not NOW, but RIGHT NOW.


    This means I will have to be working on fencing the new pasture this Wednesday and probably next Wednesday as well. The good news about the new pasture is it is somewhat closer. I should be able to do barn chores in the winter on my lunch break. The bad news is, right now, there is only one fence line. We need to remove the fencing from the old pasture and then fence three sides for the new pasture. And build a shelter.


    I am posting the next game as Tentative:


    Wednesday, October 20, 2:30 Pacific Standard Time


    *crosses fingers* I really miss you guys.

  11. An elegantly penned missive arrives at the House of Tane


    Dear Mlle Shimmerbow

    There are a number of rooms available at the museum. Two are situated on the upper floor of the museum and a couple of larger rooms on the Gallery level. You will find that the lease rates are competative with other accomodation in Annakolia.


    Please feel free to drop in for tea and we can discuss your housing needs,




    Mme L. Drachenova



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