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Posts posted by Tala

  1. Hi Tala

    Yes, new players are welcome. An explanation of the campaign is on the calendar (copied directly from the old forum).

    Basically the premise is that you are a student (regular or auditing) at the Miskatonic University in Arkham.

    On the surface, this seems a rather dull and mundane activity. But current and past students wiil be able to tell you of lectures that go

    horridly wrong, university faculty that disappear in mysterious circumstances, and outside forces that seem bent on, at the very least,

    distrupting learning at the university, if not trying to destroy it.


    OCC the game is very much influenced by the mythos of H.P. Lovecraft and the game Call of Cthuhu.


    If you are just dropping in occasionally, any level is fine, though if you are very high, I might ask that you only join in combat if things look dire.

    If you wish to create a pc to enroll as a regular student, I will raise that character to level 15, to reflect your first year status. Since the

    University has departments of learning ranging from Mathematics to Religious Studies, almost any of the available classes would be fine.

    Even a straight fighter might be attending on a sports scholarship.


    There is a registration procedure for full time students that I will copy over from the old forum in the next day or two.


    Thank you for the reply!


    It sounds like a ton of fun, and my high level character (Tala) would not really fit in.


    My chaotic Neutral priestess of Aisha would work (if you would not mind her joining). She is level six right now.


    If you prefer, I could always make a character just for this game though.

  2. Ok, this is not really a suggestion, but I did not see anywhere else fitting to post this.


    I would be more then happy to mirror the RoA downloads for free on my webpage (I have unlimited bandwith/storage).


    I have never encountered any errors with the website, but I thought I would offer all the same.


    Basic Information


    * Nickname(s): None

    * Species: Human

    * Height: 5'9"

    * Weight: 180

    * Age: 25

    * Occupation: Priestess

    * Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    * Birthplace: Northern Annakolia

    * Marital Status: Single

    * Distinguishing Features: Pale skin, tattoos, scars.

    * Known Relatives: None

    * Religion: Aisha

    * Weapon of Choice: Whatever is handy

    * Quirks: Cold and Aloof




    Phoebe was the only child of a family of minor nobles in Northern Annakolia. She was an odd child, never really fitting in with the children of her parents friends. She was nocturnal from a very young age, and was never interested in playing games with children her age, or learning the politics of court.


    About the only thing she found joy in was the beauty of the night, and in reading books. She called no one her friend, and had prepared herself of a life of cold isolation (but not giving up the life of privilege she was born into), until she came across what would become her most prized possession; a book on Aisha.


    She embraced most of her teachings, but was far too selfish to fully embrace evil. She dedicated her life to her service, much to her parent's dismay. While they may have participated in the shady politics games played by their fellow nobility, they were horrified in her choice and threatened to disown her.


    Phoebe knew this should have horrified her and caused her pain, but she found it amusing. She packed up a few items, and left her port town setting out for a new life.


    She was kind enough to leave them a parting gift though. She poisoned their favorite wine and delighted to find out later they had both died by literally choking to death on their own blood.




    To call her cold and aloof would be an understatement. She was raised as a noble, and sees people as pawns to be moved across a board for her own benefit. If someone does her a favor, she becomes determined to repay them as quick as possible, less they have something to hold over her head.


    The contradiction to the above is that once someone has earned her trust (which is not an easy task), she is fiercely loyal to them and will protect them to the best of her abilities.

  4. I am going to be lame and report my first post I made when I joined the game and the old forum:


    I am not a newbie to NWN or D&D, but I am new to NWN online.


    I play a female character in the game, but I am male, and was born in... well, let's not go there.


    I first played D&D for the first time in 1980. It was at recess at my school, and I won't say it was a great session, but I kept playing and over time became a full-fledged addict.


    I bought NWN Diamond a few years back when it dropped in price, and I finally had a computer that could handle the game. I played though all the official modules, and a few single player ones I downloaded.


    My wife and I recently moved, and I found my NWN DVD and played it again. I was looking for new downloadable modules to play, and considering trying it online and I came across Realms of Annakolia.


    To restate the topic of my message, wow, freaking WOW! I am blown away by all the work that has gone into creating this world. I have made mods for Baldur's Gate II, and tried to make them for NWN, and gave up due to the amount of time and patience it would take to create them.


    I can only imagine how many hours went into building this world. I am impressed.


    I have been greeted and helped by some of the staff (and players), and I am quite impressed with the people I have met so far. I might be a newbie to this community, but I am proud to be part of it and would like to thank the ones who created this.


    To expand on that, I am the webmaster of Gaming Nerds Я Us. It is my little corner of the web and it is a recreation of an old MSN group. I host netbooks, and some game mods there (new members are always welcome).


    I play the game a lot, but I am no expert on it. Still, feel free to shoot me PMs int he game if you have any questions, and I will help as much as I can!

  5. I am not by any stretch of the imagination an expert on the game, but I have made some blunders here and there, and I thought I would share some of what I have learned from my mistakes in hope they might help other players.


    This is not an official guide, I am just a player.


    First off, heed the signs on which portal to use when starting a new character. This will take you to Sidona castle which is where you want to be! Explore if you want, the mods did an excellent job here (as with the rest of the world). There is lots to explore, and some nice little details.


    Eventually you will want to head to the basement. I recommend going to the melee training room. In here, you can bash practice dummies and earn XP, all the way up to level six. Annakolia can be a rough place, and you are more likely to survive by starting at a higher level then two. This is a fairly long process, so this is a perfect time to read the PC guide in your box you are given, as well as all the notes in your journal!


    Once you have gotten to level six (or can't fo it anymore, you can now exit the castle. You will find yourself on the north road (hint, use the auto map often). If you want your character to be a bit more custom in appearance, head into town. Once there, head to the top of the map to the slums.


    *NOTE* What you are looking for here is a little to the left of the entrance of the area. There is a little shop with dummies that you can use to change your appearance. The slums can be dangerous, and I would not advise exploring them until you have some better then newbie equipment, and a couple of levels under your belt.


    Once you are happy with your appearance (either by going there or skipping the above step) you will probably find yourself exploring the north road, or the town proper checking out the merchants and shops. I am sure you will notice there is lots of neat items, but since you have little money, you need to make some, right?


    There are two options here. I love fishing! Other players love mining. If you are new, I recommend trying both and deciding which one you like the best. Both are great ways to make money, and not risk loosing XP or gold by getting killed.


    For fishing, if you are on the North Road, the entrance is to the upper right part of the map. If you are in the city, the entrance is to the bottom right. Once you are there, you will find three black barrels. You can get a fishing pole and bait here (for free!) To fish, look at your auto map for points of interest (I am not sure if it matters where you are standing by the pond - I have just always had the best luck at those points). To fish, equip the pole you like, then pull up your inventory and right lick on the bait and use them from the radial menu. You might want to keep at least one of the elven sailor's tokens. They sell for good money, but they also allow you to use bless unlimited times a day! The fish you find can be sold for money, or you can keep them. Each one has a one time use ability or some sort!


    To go mining, you have to go to the north road. The mine is toward the bottom center of the map. There are no enemies in the mine, just "bashable" rocks. To mine, right click them and choose bash from the radial menu. They will "drop" remain bags, where you will find some nice gems. Selling them can be tricky - the place that buys them for the most money (at least that I have found) is the jewelery store in the city. It can be found near the upper right center of the map. The gems will auto-stack as you pick them up. I recommend right clicking them and splitting them up and selling them one at a time - you will make more money with the more expensive ones!


    The merchant who usually has the best gear is the priestess Jania who is toward the center of the north road. I use her to sell my loot when I go monster killing (and it seems many others do as well). If you have not already noticed, most items have level requirements to equip them. With how easy it is to make money with no risk to your character, I think they are justified in adding these.


    You my have noticed toward the upper center of the north road, there is a man who sells mounts. They are very useful (and neat). If you talk to them, you will notice that they have saddle bags you can open. The saddle bags are a great place to store items, if you are running low on space, or have a low strength. To use them, have them open them, and step backwards. There will be a clickable bad at your feet. You can drag and drop items into it once you have opened it. WHATEVER YOU DO, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU RIGHT CLICK THE BEAT AND ADD ITEMS TO IT'S INVENTORY THAT WAY. I emphasized that last bit because I was lucky enough to play int he Festival this year (and my character had a book collection) and in ignorance I tried to store all my collectibles from the festival and my books that way. I lost everything due to operator error. Mark Twain said "no one is totally worthless, they can always serve as a bad example" (quoting from memory, so that is probably not the exact wording). It is my hope that quote will apply to my mistake as well.


    Hopefully you have not gone into the forest It is a rough place, especially after dark. You ae probably wanting to go fight now, to test your build/gear. If you head back to Sidona's castle, there is a dungeon that is the best place to start. When going to the drawbridge, go slowly up the right side. Sometimes the door cannot be seen from all angles. Once you click on it and it and it has lowered, you might need to step back to see the clickable area so you can go back in. Once inside, there is a raised hill with a door (it shows on the map). That is the entrance to the dungeon. Your first couple of runs, you will probably not make it all the way though, but if you return, each time you will get a little further!


    Of course the most awesome of awesome things about Annakolia is the DMs/GMs and the players. There is a lot of great roleplay to be found here, so keep your eyes out for other players!


    This guide will never be finished, and I encourage other players (or even staff) to post additional information, or even make comments on what I have written!

  6. Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:48 am


    Bought a journal today, no time like the present to break it in.


    This has been an eventful week. I met a few new people, and began my career as an adventurer.


    While traveling with Stardust --- I thought she was a baby dragon when we met, but it turns out she is a druid --- she met a mouse and started talking to it.


    It seems I scared the mouse, so I went looking at books in another room while they talked. I found a book that showed a glowing cave with items hidden behind a magical barrier.


    The mouse sent her on a quest to find a wheel of cheese, and while traveling I noticed a glint in a cave wall. Upon closer examination, it was revealed to hold a ring. It was too small, and just out of reach.


    I appraised the ring, and it was just a cheap basic gold ring, but for some reason Stardust wanted it so I posted guard while she tried to fish it out.


    The next thing I know, she BROKE THE CAVE!!! She brought an entire wall down. Inside the wall was a bow she kept, and a two bladed sword she told me to take. When I picked it up, I immediately felt divine power running though it. There was also a note that more items were hidden, and we should keep looking for them.


    This could only mean that there is a Goddess I had not heard about on my travels, THE GODDESS OF THE WALLS! I went back to town and had the name of my new sword engraved on it. In honor of her I have named it Wall Sword.


    I started talking with some of the local priests, and it seems none of them have heard of the Wall Goddess. One of them even tried a spell on me and asked if I had injured my head recently...


    This can only mean one thing; the Wall Goddess has chosen me to spread the word of her divinity. I have taken to calling her Aeotola for simplicity.


    I was on a journey to Bree tonight and ran across Stardust and some of her friends. They invited me to travel with them and I accepted. We traveled on a ship which was a lot of fun. A giant sea beast attacked the ship --- note to self, buy a ranged weapon --- and the others dispatched it quickly. I wonder how it would have tasted....


    We were next attacked by a group of undead pirates on a wrecked ship. The zombies were all squishy and smelled HORRIBLE.


    I had more insight after the attack! I am going to save up money and buy a ship and become an Anti-Pirate! I will attack and pillage pirates! I wonder if I should use the same flag as pirates but invert the black and white...


    Our captain hit a reef and we sank. Luckily I had bought one of those underwater helmets. I am glad I did, because when that shady vendor told me it would let me breathe underwater I was not sure I believed him, but against my better judgment I bought it anyway. It saved my life.


    We traveled across the bottom of the sea and fought many tasty looking fish but I never got to eat any of them. Eventually we found a cave and made our way out.


    I still need to find a home. The tent is nice, but it is not a home. Maybe I can live on my anti-pirate ship!




    Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:57 am


    Another day has passed.


    I did not do as much today as I have done in the past.


    I went back to the cave under the Miller's Home in Bree where I found Wall Sword and collected some of the sacred rocks from where Stardust broke the cave.


    I continued to explore and picked some fights to improve my skills. Those green creatures under Bree stink so badly. I find myself feeling weak around them. Luckily I stocked up on Bull Strength potions. I actually managed to buy the correct ones this time. I thought I had bought them before I went on the sea journey, but it seems I bought ale for some reason.


    Even more embarrassing was the fact I had drank two of them at different times before I realized my mistake... I am sure they all think I am a lush now.


    The caves led me back to the dungeon under the castle, so I fought a little there. I am slowly becoming a better warrior. Not even a hydra could stand up to me and Wall Sword!


    I did some exploring after that... well... since no one other then me can read this, I might as well be honest. I got lost again today. This world gets bigger and bigger every day!


    I found a druid grove in the middle of a forest surrounded by some things I did not feel I was ready to fight. Still a little sore from having boulders tosses at me. It was peaceful and beautiful. I was hard pressed to leave.


    I do plan to go back from time to time. I am sure the druids will object, but they can deal with it. If I was smarter, I might have become a druid. I respect what they do, but I am not sure I could be a champion of balance. I could never switch sides in the middle of a battle to make sure one side does not become too big or powerful.


    I feel by being good, that helps preserve the balance. There is much evil in this world, and I will do what I can to lessen it, and keep people safe.


    Still no lock on finding anymore information on Aeotola. I will keep searching and spreading her message.


    I bought a small ad in the classifieds, hopefully someone will make me an offer for a ship soon. The gold I could be making by pirating pirates would go a long way to paying for a new temple for her.





    Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:17 am


    Another day, more gold.


    I spent a lot of time fishing today. I might not have any prospects for a proper home, ship, or a proper temple for Aeotola, but I know they will cost money. I might as well start trying to save up now, instead of scrambling when they become available to me.


    I trained more today by exploring the dungeons. My skill in battle has increased! I find it easier to strike targets, and I can now strike twice in a sorter amount of time!


    I found an exit in the dungeon that took me to a part of the forests I had never seen before. Well, the only way to become familiar with new areas is to explore them. I found a few villains that needed thwarting, so I dispatched them and sent them to the afterlife.


    Then I came across the biggest spider I had ever seen! It was huge, and the energy I felt coming from it was overwhelming to say the least. The others in the forest seemed to almost worship it, and it ended my life.


    I found myself in the afterlife, but luckily it was not supposed to be my time yet, so I was sent back to a temple. Perhaps it was Aeotola's will. I do seem to be the only one spreading her message across the world.


    I decided to give back, so I rode along the roads outside the city disposing of the orcs, kobolds, and trolls that prey on travelers. The kobolds are sneaky to say the least. They would assault me with arrows, so I would ride to them and end their lives. Typically they were luring me into a trap, but I came across none that I could not fight my way out of.


    Then I would feel more arrows on my armor, and hear the snap of bowstrings, so I would ride deeper into the forest, and further way from the paths. This continued throughout my patrol.


    I have determined the kobolds are rather clever. While I may have had no problems fighting them and their traps, they try to lure you in, and should you become seriously injured, unless you are skilled in medicines and have potions at the ready, they will eventually overwhelm you.


    As the sun came up, the orcs and kobolds retreated to the darkness so I returned to my campsite to rest.


    I may live in a dangerous place, but I am doing all I can to make it safer for others.


    One person can only do so much on their own. Perhaps I need to seek others to help me with this task. Perhaps I should seek out a guild to join, surely there must be like minded people somewhere...


    Supplemental update:


    I forgot to mention what troubled me most about my patrol of the forest and it's paths.


    There were pixies fighting with the kobolds! FAERIES HELPING THE ENEMY!!! How and why is beyond my comprehension. I must learn why. Have the civilized people become so corrupt the fae must work with evil?


    I have given more thought to Aeotola. She is very mysterious. She is the Goddess of Walls. What is a wall? It supports coverings such as a roof, as well as serving as a barrier against elements. They make you feel safe, but sometimes they leave you trapped -- or at least feeling like it.


    Would this make her area of influence protection, stability, and shelter? A truly noble role, and one I am trying to provide for others as well.


    Perhaps it was fate for me to fins Wallsword and her note in the cave. If I cannot find a guild to join, mayhap I will found a new one. One in her name!




    Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:41 am


    Seems I missed updating for a day. I was so tired from everything that happened, I fell asleep before writing.


    I began my day as I normally do, I said my prayers to Aeotolla and had my breakfast of fresh fish and fruits, put on my armor and headed out to train and hopefully learn about the spreading darkness.


    I encountered more pixies fighting alongside the kobolds. Now, I know that not all fae are good, but this still bothers me. Even the Unseelie fae would not normally ally with kobolds and orcs. Typically Pixies belong to the Seelie court... Sadly they would not speak to me, they taunted me with things like "Half-Breed" and I had no choice but to kill them.


    I headed back into the dungeons and again found an exit to a different part of the forest. I was attacked by some strange looking chickens, and I fought back. The next thing I knew my friend Star was in front of me. She told me I had been turned to stone, and they were called Cockatrices. it would seem they can turn people to stone.


    We rode to Bree together and she showed me where some flowers grow that can cure the condition. I made sure and stocked up on a few should I find anyone else afflicted with my earlier problem. She also showed me several other plants I was not familiar with, and in typical fashion, I grabbed one before she told me anything about it and it actually blinded me. I should really avoid grabbing things when I do not know what they are, especially when traveling with an expert.


    I thought I knew a lot about plants and herbs, no surprise, I could learn even more from Druids. I started to tell he about finding the grove the other day, but I held my tongue. I was worried she might not approve of me going there.


    We came across a Unicorn! It was so beautiful. The selfish part of me would give almost anything to have one as a mount. It seemed to tolerate me rather then like me. Star tried to befriend it, but it did not want to travel with her either.


    We went to the Inn and spoke together. She has noticed that more and "evil" seems to be working together, although she was less troubled by the pixies then I. I told her that I have sworn to get to the bottom of this, and fight against it, or die trying. She swore the same oath.


    I asked her about the guild in town that always is closed, and she told me that no one has gone there for a long time. She wondered why and I explained that two against the growing armies of evil is not very good odds. She reminded me that nature fights on her side, and I smiled and told her those were better odds.


    I did not have the heart to tell her that nature does not appear to be on our side, or at the very least it is not on my side. I wish I could remember the past. It is at times like this I wonder if I was evil.


    I visited the merchant in the inn, and she had some better equipment for sale then I currently own. I almost did not buy the armor and helm, as they were made by the drow, but in the end I decided it would be foolish of me not to equip myself as best I can.


    I stopped at the tailor to have my armor fitted and better suited to my taste and discovered I was out of forest green metal dye! I said my goodbyes to Star and headed back to the main city to buy some, and finish having my armor fitted.


    I headed out again and while in a cave in Bree, my heart sank. I came across a dead horse. There could be no mistake, it was Star's horse. I searched and searched, and searched, but I did not find her body. I tried my medicines, but her horse was too far gone for me to bring back.


    With new rage I set out, and cleaned out the rest of the cave, then I headed into the mountains. I cannot remember how many fell to my blades that day, but when I woke today my armor and sword were coated in gore.


    I do remember while in the caves I came across some meeting rooms. One was empty, and another was full of hobgoblins. I tried to force them to reveal their plans. They gave me no answers, so I gave them death.


    Outside of the caves I encountered a Fire Giant. It would seem I am no where near ready to face one of them, and luckily when I awoke in the heavens I was told it was not my time yet.


    The peace of the afterlife subsided my rage, and I returned to my campground and fell asleep.


    I actually took today off to clean my armor and weapon, and to pray. I was too exhausted to go out. While rage may be a useful tool, it is terribly draining.


    Please let Star be okay. She is more then my only friend, she is my only ally against the growing forces of darkness.


    Even if she is still alive, I worry we are still not enough. I have got to find others to help.




    Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:23 am


    I have not been writing as much as of late, but I have been busy.


    Well, except for those few days I spent as a statue... again.


    I was exploring some caves and ran across a medusa. It took her a while to kill me. I think she enjoyed toying with me far too much.


    I was sent back, and I started training again. I have been working in the mountains, and I came across a group of dragon hunters fighting the largest cyclops I have ever seen. I jumped in and helped them, and as a reward, they allowed me to keep a magickal lightning bolt her was carrying. It gives off light, and protects me from electricity.


    I finally washed the red dye out of my hair, and I now display my natural green. I am fairly certain no one knew me before I woke up with no memory. I had dyed it to try and hide. I do not know anything about my "former" life, and to be honest, I don't want to know. I must have been a terrible person, but the Gods have given me a second chance. I will not squander it.


    I am getting better at fighting from my horse, as well with other skills as well.


    Still, no luck recruiting others to fight with me against the tides of evil, or finding a home for that matter.


    Perhaps I will join the tournament. If I become the Queen's champion I would venture a guess more might listen to me then.




    Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:23 am


    The previous day was eventful to say the least...


    I had a long day of training, and went back to town to relax in one of the bathhouses. They are simply divine and the perfect medicine for battle fatigue.


    I met a strange little woman when heading out. She was wearing armor, then she twisted a ring and the armor vanished! We talked for a while and it turns out she is a teacher from the school or something. I wish I could remember more, but my memories from that day are a little hazy.


    I do recall us chatting for a bit about something, then we parted. I went back to training and eventually sought rest.


    This morn, I left to go deal with the problems in the crypt in the Bree/Shire area.


    I came across a wraith, but one more powerful then the ones I have fought. I rushed to attack, and he simply whispered "Didn't you learn your lesson last time?",


    I stepped back and demanded he explain. He threw back his head and laughed and told me this was not the first time we have fought, but it would be the last. He then rushed me.


    The battle was long and hard, and when it was all over, Wallsword lay broken in my hands. I was so weak I could not stand anymore and slid down the wall to try and rest.


    Around the corner came more undead then I have seen in a long time. I looked to my right and saw a broken longsword with some faint magicks upon it, and picked it up. I ignored the familiar feeling the blade gave me, and slowly rose to my feet, and lept into battle.


    The next thing I know is that I am standing in front of St. Michael. He offered to restore me again, and I asked him to wait, and to explain why the sword felt so familiar, and what the wraith meant.


    He said that the sword was mine, and O'Dell was my surname. All other facts where beyond his ability to perceive. He said the memories of my former life were gone, and I was left with was echoes or something? I don't even know what that means...


    He said he could purge them, which would end the nightmares once and for all. He said it was not without a cost though, the process would be almost like reincarnation. All the training, all the tricks I had learned from training would be lost. He said I could get them back, but I would have to relearn everything. I did not even blink before accepting. he smiled and waved his hand and told me it was finished.


    Now to go back to training, I have never felt better, and hopefully tonight I will be able to sleep better!




    Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:12 am


    More training, more training, more training....


    Will it ever be enough?


    I know I have to get better. I must get better. I will get better.


    I am still using the broken sword I found. It feels so natural. I miss the reach the two bladed sword offered me, but there is something about this broken longsword.


    Using a shield is taking practice as well.


    I have decided to become a master of the longsword. I am focused on being more effective with it then most other skills at the moment. I might not be able to cut though multiple foes with it as I had been able to do with two bladed swords, but that will come in time.


    I still have not seen Star. I fear it is as I had suspected, the worst has happened, and I have lost my only friend and ally.


    In less gloomy news, I found a book about sailing today! I did not sell it, and I have been reading, and re-reading it over and over again. How can me finding it in a treasure chest in a cave not be a sign that it is meant for me to buy my own ship? I will be putting an end to piracy here, even if I have to do it myself!




    Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:23 am


    I got to see Star today. It pleases me that she is not dead.


    I discovered a secret pixie grove in a place she showed me.


    It is so peaceful there. I wish I could just go there and never leave.


    I am just so tired... I don't know how much longer I will be able to keep up this pace.




    Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:35 am


    My training has made leaps and bounds over the past few days. I feel like I am truly becoming a master of my weapon.


    I got lost again, which incidentally seems to be the best way to find new things... anyway, I came across a Hill Giant encampment. I dispatched all the ones I found, but what disturbed me the most was a group of hobgoblins in one of the back rooms. There were two that appeared to be guarding one of them dressed better then the others.


    This simply proves my theory about the forces of evil banding together as far as I am concerned.


    I purchased another horse, this one is trained for jousting. I even bought myself a lance and have been practicing with it. Normally this is a sport reserved for the wealthy and elite, but I understand why they do it. Jousting is a lot of fun!


    I am looking forward to the upcoming festival. I have been lucky to find a few notes on items that we will be able to forge during a street fair. I have been collecting as many of them as I can. Perhaps when it is all said and done I will be more equipped then ever to face the evils of this world.


    If I am truly lucky, I will finish well in the tournament. I imagine the Queen would only listen to a commoner, or a barbarian as I am probably seen, like me if I were to win.


    I must win, something has got to happen.




    Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:21 pm


    I have been busy, so forgive me for being behind on updating this book.


    You know, it seems silly to apologize for updating a book that only I get to read, but one day when I die for good, perhaps someone will read this and find some enjoyment in it.


    That was a bit morbid...


    Anyway, training is going well. I feel like a true master of longswords now!


    I managed to even find a sword that is compatible with Echoes of the Past, as I have named my blade. It seems when it absorbs the powers of another blade, it transfers it's existing powers to the other blade in almost a trade. The second one even breaks like Echoes but is still deadly.


    Most interesting...


    I had a very busy weekend attending the Annakolia Festival. If anyone ever reads this and did not go, BE GLAD YOU WERE NOT THERE!


    They had so many fun, and peaceful things planned, but things went wrong at every turn. I take this as proof that the forces of evil are aligning/ Annakolia seems to have many enemies, some of them are even human!


    I did not succeed in victory in the fighting tournament. In my division, there were three of us and I finished second. The two I fought against were very gifted, and fought with honor. I do not mind having lost as bad since the one who beat me did not use dirty tactics, he was simply better then me.


    My friend Elane won the title of Page! I am so happy for her!


    I might have been able to keep fighting in the tournament, but it would have been a waste of time, and had I won, I would have felt dishonorable. We were given two ribbons, and the first to claim all of them in the division was the winner. I lost my first fight, then won the second. I fought again against my first contestant (who had beaten the one I defeated as well), and he then had five ribbons to my one.


    He had proven to be the better warrior, so I gave him my last ribbon. Sadly that impressed the Queen and I was awarded a special title (that I have forgotten since) for exemplifying honor.


    As punishment (they were trying to reward me) I had to walk with her int he parade. I have never been so self conscious. Here I am, the dirty-half-breed-fae who lives in a tent in the forest, walking with royalty.


    I did not get to participate in the jousting tournament like I wanted. The marshal needed help, and some people far too lazy to join in, or get off their butts while they watched would not help. So I sat it out and handed out favors.


    The archery tournament went as I expected, but I did not come in last! YAY!




    Even if we crashed, and fought some powerful enemies and I never got a chance to change into my armor (a theme of the weekend).


    There was an attempt at kidnapping the Queen, and the Baron was kidnapped. Luckily with many others we rescued him. The attackers disguised themselves as musicians, and I stole a suit of armor from one of the bodies. It is a Counsel Coat of Ice according to a scholar (who charged me a lot to tell me about it). Hopefully it will serve as a clue to who is really behind this.


    I went to a bardic competition my friend Zeanna won. most of them were so full of themselves and it was simply a long event of them showing how full they are of themselves. Very painful to watch at times. There was another woman who played this squeezie bag with pipes on it. I really liked it! I think I am going to learn to plan an instrument!


    I made a new friend today, her name is Mia. I really like her. She went with me, Star, and Elane killing hill giants, and I encountered chieftains for the first time. They are more powerful then any hill giant I have ever seen!


    Later we went looking in the slums for a new suit of armor for Elane, and it was FULL of followers of Mask.


    I have to wonder how this ties in to the other events.




    Basic Information


    * Nickname(s): None

    * Species: Half-Fae

    * Height: 5'6"

    * Weight: 170

    * Age: Unknown

    * Occupation: Fighter

    * Alignment: Neutral Good

    * Birthplace: Unknown

    * Marital Status: Single

    * Distinguishing Features: Pointed ears, pale skin, and green hair.

    * Known Relatives: None

    * Religion: Aeotola, Goddess of Walls

    * Weapon of Choice: longsword

    * Quirks: Naive




    Unknown to Tala, she was an adventurer before her recent career began. Her mother is a Half-Dryad, and her father was human. She was born on the planet of Dysmertia, and was kidnapped by Neogi slavers when she turned eighteen.


    She was tortured and eventually sold as a slave to a mercenary company know as the Narith. They continued her torture and after two years of "enlightenment" she had become cold and ruthless.


    Eventually she escaped the Narith, and got a job with a group of Pirates on a Hammerhead (Spelljamming Ship) named "Molly. She dyed her hair red as a disguise, to lessen the chances of being recognized by the Narith should she encounter them. The captain was a necromancer named Galuish. He was harsh, but taught his crew of misfits to be loyal to each other and no one else.


    They arrived on Annakoile to restock their supplies, and possibly to loot, when Diree decided taking over was not such a bad idea. She poisoned the kegs of rum she was sent to purchase and loaded them in the cargo bay.


    The first mate, and the closest thing she had to a friend, a tiefling named Elyise, noticed her acting odd, and pulled her aside to inquire about her behavior. Diree revealed her plans to her, and Elyise threatened to alert the captain, so Diree slit her throat.


    Galuish entered the hold to check the inventory before they left and saw Diree standing over Elyise's body. Diree was banished from the ship and abandoned on Annakoile. As a parting gift he cast an incantation to make Diree's blade brittle, and raised Elyise as a wraith. He told her which way Diree had gone so she could have her revenge.


    Diree laughed when she saw what her friend had become and pulled her sword, expecting an easy battle. They fought for hours when Diree missed and her blade collided with a tree shattering half the blade.


    The waves of magickal energy sent Diree flying backwards, and she was knocked unconscious when her head hit a rock. She rolled into a stream and was carried downstream where she awake with no memories of her past life.


    She woke up in a secluded alcove that many use as a fishing pond. She had no memory of her former life, and as a side effect of the level draining, the blow to the head, and the release of magick, the memories of her former life are gone forever.


    The only glimpses she had of her previous life over the next year was nightmares that she could never remember when she awoke. She only knew she hated pirates and undead, and whoever she used to be was not a good person. She decided the Gods had taken away her memories to give her a shot at redemption, and began her new life as an adventurer.


    She called herself Tala after her first meeting with a Halfling she tripped over who commented on how the tall folk never watch where they are going.


    Eventually she washed the red dye from her hair, and made a few friends. She had discovered that many of the forces of evil on Annakoile had joined forces, and swore t find out who was behind it. Her greatest fear is that someone is behind it all, and building an army.


    While working on cleansing the evil in the crypts, she came across the same Elyise who laughed and taunted her about how this time she would not escape.


    Tala fought Elyise with all she had, and in a final blow, Elyise was forever vanquished. Tala slid down a wall to catch her breath, she looked down to her hands, she found Wallsword had shattered beyond repair. she looked over and saw a once powerful magickal longsword, but the blade was broken. The name "O'Dell" was inscribed on the hilt. She picked it up and and weakly tried to fight off another wave of undead, but she found herself in the afterlife.


    She went straight to St. Michael and asked him about the sword. He was elusive as always, and the only answers she walked away with was that her surname was O'Dell, and restoring her memories was beyond his power to restore. He explained to her that she only had echoes of the memories of her former life left, and offered to destroy those forever. While there would be no way to ever restore them after his magicks were done, the nightmares would end. The only cost would be all of her training, and tricks she had learned. Tala did not hesitate to accept, and with a wave of his hand, Diree was gone forever.


    He sent her back to the land of the living, and she began to train again.




    For the most part Tala is quiet and keeps to herself. She is embarrassed about her lack of memories, so she has woven a mundane tale about her life. When pressed she reluctantly tells about how her father died before she was born, and her mother died when she was young. Her family were hermits who lived in the forest and made their living by fishing and trading for the few items they could not gather. She became a warrior after her family home was burned to the ground by orcs when she was away fishing.


    After (re)discovering one of the flying ships she has begun to dream of flying. As she is not native to Annakolie, meeting anyone who knew her before Diree's "Last Battle" is next to impossible. Even if she did meet someone who knew her, even in the face of irrefutable proof she would not be able to recall anything from her former life.




    Diree's old crew is dead. her plan had succeeded, after she was banished. Galuish had drank some of the poisoned rum and died while trying to exit the crystal sphere containing Annakolie. The ship went off course and crashed into the wall of the Sphere.

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