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Chaotic Good Dieties of the Land

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Angharradh - Elven goddess of spring, fertility, birth, planting, defence and wisdom.


Angharradh is also known by the names The Triune Goddess, The One and The Three, The Union of the Three.


Angharradh is the unified aspect of the three Elven goddesses Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celani and Sehanine Moonbow.


Symbol: Three interconnecting rings, bound within a downward pointing triangle.


Domains: Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Protection, Strength.


Angharradh's nature reflects the personality traits of the three. The impulsive and whimsical nature of Aerdrie, the romantic and affectionate nature of Hanali and the serene and ephemeral nature of Sehanine.


She appears as a lithe elven woman with pale skin, long russet coloured hair, clad in leather armour and carrying a spear.


Worshippers of Angharradh may also be worshippers of the goddesses who make up the Triune.


Followers of Angharradh pray to her at the time they would pray to one of her aspects.




The followers of Angharradh are taught that:-


Unity and diversity brings strength,


Be ever vigilant, especially against the dark gods and the worshippers of Lolth, and work together to defend the lands of the Fair Folk from those who would work evil.


Celebrate the One and the Three for their collective purpose and individual expressions of life.


Through the melding of widely different skills and interests, creativity, life and artistry are nurtured and new ideas are discovered.



Aerdrie Faenya - Elven goddess of air, weather, fertility and winged races.


Aerdrie Faenya is also known by the names The Winged Mother, The Bringer of Rains and Storms and Queen of the Avariel.


Aerdrie is one of the Triune goddesses and an aspect of the goddess Angharradh.


Symbol: A cloud with a bird silhouette.


Domains: Air, Animal, Good, Travel.


Aerdrie appears as a timeless winged being of ethereal nature. Pale skinned and with long silvery white hair, clad in flowing pale blue robes. She appears to be restless, unwilling to stay in one place for too long. Aerdrie is the elven expression of freedom and impulse


The clergy of Aerdrie Faenya are responsible for maintaing relations with all good winged creatures and working closely with those involved in agriculture and horticulture.


Followers of Aerdrie pray to her at the first light of dawn and festivals known as "The Dance of the Swirling Winds" are held on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.




The followers of Aerdrie are taught that:-


The ever changing skies are a gift from the Winged Mother.


Honour those that take to the skies and cherish the birds who dance on the tresses of Aerdrie.


Relish the freedom that Aerdrie bequeathes and act upon your impulses.





Hanali Celani - Elven goddess of love, romance, beauty, enchantments and artistry.


Hanali Celani is also known by the names Lady Goldheart, The Winsome Rose and The Heart of Gold.


Hanali is one of the Triune goddesses and an aspect of the goddess Angharradh.


Symbol: A golden heart.


Domains: Good, Healing, Knowledge, Protection.


Hanali appears as a timeless being of incredible beauty and benign nature, with long flowing golden hair and clad in robes of shimmering gold cloth. Hanali is always forgiving of minor transgressions and delights in rewarding her followers with the gifts of unexpected love and affection. Her only flaws are her own mild vanity and flighty nature.


The clergy of Hanali preside over marriages and rites of passage for young elves.


Followers of Hanali pray to her when the moon is highest in the sky and festivals known as "The Secrets of the Heart" are held every full moon.




Followers of Hanali are taught the following:-


Life is worth living because of the beauty to be found in the world and the love that brings twin hearts together.


Nurture what is beautiful in life and let beauty's rapturous glow enliven and brighten the lives of those around you.


The greatest joy is the rapture of new found love and the tide of romance that sweeps over those wrapped in its embrace.


Find love wherever it takes root and bring it to its fullest bloom so that all may share in the joy and beauty it creates.


Always give shelter and provide help to young lovers, for their hearts are the truest guide to life's proper course.





Sehanine Moonbow - Elven goddess of mysteries, mysticism, illusions, dreams, death, transcendence of the soul, the moon, the stars and the heavens.



Sehanine is also known by the names Daughter of the Night Skies, The Luminous Cloud and The Lady of Dreams.


Sehanine is one of the Triune goddesses and an aspect of the goddess Angharradh.


Symbol: a misty crescent over a full moon.


Domains: Good, Knowledge, Magic, Water.


Sehanine appears as a timeless being of incredible beauty and ethereal nature. Pale skinned and with long silvery white hair, clad in glowing silvery robes. She gifts her followers with dreams, prophecies and premonitions of things to come.


The clergy of Sehanine Moonbow are responsible for funerary rites and protection of the remains of the dead.


Followers of Sehanine pray to her when the moon is highest in the sky and festivals known as "Lunar Hallowings" are held every full moon where her followers meditate upon the dreams they have received.


Followers of Sehanine believe that she weaves illusions around Elven settlements to protect them.




The followers of Sehanine are taught that:-


Life is a series of mysteries whose secrets are veiled by the Luminous Cloud.


As the spirit transcends its mortal bounds and new mysteries are uncovered, a higher form is achieved and the circle of life continues.


Through contemplation and meditation, communication with the Lady of Dreams is achieved.


Through dreams, visions and omens, The Daughter of the Night Sky reveals the next step along the path and the next destination on the endless journey of mystic wonder that is life and death.


Oppose the undead wherever you find them; save those that have voluntarily prolonged their existence to serve their kin; for they break the cycle of life and death.



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Aphrodite/Diana, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Passion


The beautiful Aphrodite was created from the foam of the sea and emerged like a pearl from the shell of a giant sea clam; she is the goddess of beauty and love. As befits the goddess her position, she was an enthusiastic companion of the male gods consorting with Poseidon, Dionysus, and others.


Symbol: An open sea clam.


Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Trickery, Water.


Portfolio: Beauty, love, jealousy, prophecy, vanity, glamour and illusion


Although she can assume any form (all of them beautiful), in her true form she is a woman of astonishing beauty and has a gift of prophecy, omens from Aphrodite are often associated with the sea.


Aphrodite can charm any male, either god or mortal, and can generate any strong emotion (such as love, hate, anger, sorrow, etc.) in any intelligent being. All mortal men, it is said, will fall instantly in love with Aphrodite upon first sight of the goddess and will be unable to forget the vision - ever. Aphrodite also carries a dagger that causes anyone struck by it to be instantly charmed.


Aphrodite is extremely vain; should she overhear any unfavourable comparison of her beauty she will avenge herself by making the transgressor fall in love with a statue, turning him into a shell, or having bees sting his eyes.


There are some that also revere the Goddess of Beauty a huntress; in this aspect as 'Diana' she shares some of the traits of Artemis of the Amazons. It is said that Diana also hunts among the 'mortal' races and that those struck by her magical arrows will fall in love with the next 'mortal' (of any race) with which they meet.




The cult of Aphrodite believe that the pursuit of love, beauty and passion surmounts all else in life and disdain any individual, authority or law which seeks to restrict their freedoms.


Every ten days, her priests must release white doves, and every new moon they must throw objects of art and beautiful jewellery into the sea. They must also do what they can to aid anyone who is in trouble because of a forbidden love.


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Corellon Larethian; Creator of the Elves, the Protector, First of the Seldarine, Protector and Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves


Corellon is the acknowledged leader of the Seldarine and revered by all the peoples of the Elven Kindred; a powerful warrior Corellon stands as an ever-vigilant watcher over the Fair Folk; both the light and the dark alike.


Symbol: The (waxing) Crescent Moon; often depicted behind a long sword held vertically aloft.


Domains: Good, Healing, Magic, Protection, Strength, War.


Portfolio: Arts, Crafts, Magic, Music, Hunting, Philosophy, Poetry and Song.


The leader of the elven pantheon, Corellon Larethian, it is from drops of his own blood shed in epic battles with Gruumsh, some say mingled with the tears of Angharradh that the Fair Folk sprang.


Corellon oversees elven magic, particularly High Magic, and is especially popular with elf and half-elven mages, musicians and poets yet it is his clergy of ‘warrior-priests’ that are most associated with his name.


Corellon has a strong relationship with most all the elven powers yet, perhaps, it is Eilistraee, his once estranged daughter by the fallen Arushnee (his former lover) that knows most of his heart or else Angharradh, the One and the Three, now said to be Corellons consort.


A powerful warrior god whose hands protect his creations with the gentleness of a sculptor and the unspeakable power of a master of both sword and bow Corellon has earned the enmity of countless powers whose worshippers seek to seize the forests, fastnesses, cities, magic or wealth of the Fair Folk; the Protector’s rift with his own errant son Vhaeraun is deep and Corellon has despaired of the Masked Lord ever repenting his evil ways.




The clergy of Corellon Larethian are powerful warrior-priests, ‘Soul-Bonded’ each to the other and to their Lord, who conduct their rights in great open air temples beneath his ever watchful gaze.


It is believed that the life spirit of Corellon flows from him and into the eves and their lands, and while mortal elves daydream and enter the reverie, Corellon never abandons his watchfulness


Only when it is time for the Fair Folk to pass from Galandar to Arvandor will it be that Corellon may cease his watchfulness over each elf and allow others of the Sehanine to take a greater role in their care.


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Deep Sashelas; Lord of the Undersea, the Dolphin Prince, the Knowledgeable One, Sailor's Friend


Deep Sashaelas is the Lord of the Undersea and the patron of the sea elves, created when the Dolphin Prince enabled the elven inhabitants of a sinking city to survive in their submerged realm.


Symbol: A leaping dolphin upon an azure sea.


Domains: Animal (Aquatic), Knowledge (especially that which is hidden), Trickery, Water.


Portfolio: Change, Diplomacy and Illusion.


One of the Seldarine Sashelas is a powerfully creative deity forever changing the seascape creating islands and reefs by altering the continental rifts, tinkering with undersea volcanoes and sculpting the shore.


A power for good in the depths the Lord of the Undersea mediates in many disagreements and potential conflicts and opposes the machinations of all the evil powers of the sea.


Named the Sailor’s Friend many a mortal owe their lives to the diplomacy of Deep Sashelas in calming the storms of Poseidon and other powers and many a child has been saved carried to safety from the seas upon the back of a dolphin.


The Lord of the Undersea is a charismatic leader, and an inspired artist whose work is ever changing; he is rarely satisfied with his own works and is ever seeking improvement. Fickle and flighty there are many myths telling of his amorous exploits with mermaids and selkies, sea elven maids, human females and even one demigoddess, it is rumoured.


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Eilistraee; the Dark Maiden, Lady of the Dance, Lady Silverhair


Eilistraee is the goddess of the drow, the dark skinned elven kindred, and the Matriarchal Goddess of those that have forsaken the Dark Depths and the City of Erelhei-Cinlu. Though her clergy still maintain a temple in her honour there.


Symbol: A long haired female drow dancing before a full moon with silver bastard sword in hand


Clerical Domains: Good, Protection, Travel, Water.


Portfolio: Chaos, Charm, Song, Beauty, Dance, Swordwork, Hunting, Moonlight and Portals.


Little is known of Eilistraee though it is known that she is quick to anger over deeds of evil, though it is rare that Eilistraee would intercede, far less that she would appear, in person. Eilistraee will, more often, lend aid to a creature she favours in the form of small ‘gifts’ or ‘favours’ which bring the most practical of answers.


Conceived and born in a ‘Crystal Cavern’ buried and lost, so the most ancient of tales say, deep in the bowels of the Galandar World. The Lady Silverhair has a skin as dark as her followers; having a deep love for the wilds and the dark places of the Dark Depths. Eilistraee followed the Dark Kindred in their retreat beneath the surface following the devastation wrought by the Drowbane Wars and the transformation of her mother, Arushnee, into the demon goddess Lloth. She has sought the redemption of those darkest of times ever since.




The clergy of Eilistraee are, most often, females, though they may be of any race, and further her interests of beauty and song, ever carrying one of the goddess’ favoured instruments, the horn, a reed flute or the harp and striving to renew the fortunes of their race.

Clerics of the Dark Maiden pray to their mistress at night, after moonrise, singing their rituals followed, often, by hunting, feasting and dancing and yet more singing of the Circular Song.


Eilistraee, the beloved daughter of Corellon Larethian the First of the Seldarine, would never forsake those whom she regards her people and stands, ever watchful as her father, in opposition to foulest depredations of Lolth.


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Saint Marcus


Saint Marcus was, in life, a simple baker. He was not a cheerful Halfling and tended toward outbursts of anger (especially when people smeared grubby fingerprints on his nice, clean windows). However, he was always pleased to see villagers and visitors that appreciated his baked goods. If the local children were polite and well-behaved, he would frequently treat them to his collection of handmade cakes and candies. He loved to experiment with new combinations of ingredients and always had a remedial bun for all occasions. Colds, Rashes, insect bites and the likes were easily overcome by his wondrous herbal concoctions which he would bake in the form of pies, cakes, candies and buns.

Marcus was, however, an elderly Halfling.... and had the temperament of an aged Halfling to match. Easily confused, the children loved to watch him as he picked arguments with uneven pavements, unruly pets and the occasional bird that startled him. He was prone to moments of confusion and had a great love of excessive drinking.


He became a Saint when he saved the village from an invasion of GiAnts one night, as the villagers slept. It has become legendary how he selflessly ran through the streets, armed only with a rolling pin, and fought his way to the bell tower. Once at the bell tower, he rang the bell and alerted the village to the impending doom. Not satisfied with this, he then proceeded to throw himself from the cliff and cleverly used his impressive girth to block the hole from which the GiAnts came.


The Clerics now hold feasts for everyone and embrace the idea that the selfless giving of food is a wonderful way to bring a community together. Clerics believe that community, fun, food, singing, dancing and general indulgence are paramount toward a successful society. Other than these traits, the priesthood can vary in many ways. Some are lazy, others are highly enthusiastic. Many dabble with healing, whilst others are more concerned with song and dance.


Saint Marcus appears in visions as a portly Halfling holding a magical rolling pin. He can appear confused, clumsy and arrogant at times, and is famous for messing up his magic spells. Quite often, he appears and his mouth moves, but his words are not heard until several days later.... or vice versa. He has also been known to appear in a cloud of smoke briefly before dropping into the sea... (the splash was heard three days later)


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Zeus, god of air:


Domains: Air, Strength


Zeus rules supreme over lightning, thunder and air, his ever watchful eye spotting all beneath the raging dark clouds and open skies. He is known both for his divine strength and furious power, as for his many escapades with many a female. Females both divine and mortal in nature have been with him.

Often portrait as a broad, muscular man in a white robe, Zeus always holds his lightning bolt in one hand. This lightning is rumoured to have smitten the Titans off into the Underworld. Though originally created by them, Zeus did not hesitate to use it against them when they became a treat to the mortal realm.

Zeus his escapades are widely known, yet not a focus of his followers. They see it as their god’s right to take whichever female he pleases, after all, he is the great one. Zeus’ wife, Hera, however doesn’t always look upon these little adventures with the same form of content. Often she has been vengeful against these females, definitely when it has come to their half-divine offspring. However, she has always forgiven her husband to keep the peace.


Zeus his followers generally hold affection to the skies and thunder and lightning in particular. They are often trained as battle priests and focus mainly and the offensive part of heir spells. Many temples have open roofs through which the air can be seen. Ceremonial sacrifices of lambs and other animals are made her to please Zeus. Also gold and valuables are offered to him.

Zeus does not care a great deal about the actions of his followers, as long as they make their offerings to him and treat him and his fellow deities with ample respect. If Zeus sends down his bolts of lightning his followers will not complain, even if one of their own is struck. Their god holds the right to do this. And Zeus in fact nearly always has a reason for doing it, whether the reason is justified, that is a different story.


Zeus has few true enemies within the Pantheon. He strives with Talos from time to time over dominion of the skies and the storms, but it seems more of a playful struggle then a true battle. Also Zeus has his conflicts with Hera, but they remain married throughout.

On occasion Zeus will have his disparities with other gods, but generally he has a fair amount of respect, and often they are not worth his time to worry about.

Zeus his general intent is good, and he is very protective of the mortal races, keeping them from harm. He will protect them at many a cost, but does have his favourites and does act on them. He would sooner protect one of the females that he spend time with and their offspring then he’d protect the beggar who didn’t make his sacrifices because he didn’t have anything to sacrifice.


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