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Everything posted by Feather

  1. Daoine Sidhe: Wife to the ‘Fairy king’ Finnavar (fey) Daoine Sidhe is the goddess of Forests and Nature. She provides all of the brownies with food and drinks, mostly through the power of nature. Nature however also includes all that live in it, so taking it from humans would not be something unusual or necessarily evil. Important with Daoine is that you never take more then you need. Also the goddess of marriage and love, Daoine Sidhe stays loyal to her husband Finnavar even throughout all of his little escapades with all the mortals. She is sometimes angered with him, yet all the b
  2. Athena; Warrior-Goddess of wisdom and the arts Symbol: An Owl sitting on a branch Domains: Knowledge, War, Protection, Animal. Portfolio: Wisdom, Warfare, Artistry, Horsemanship Favoured (some times called First) daughter of Zeus grey-eyed Athena , herself a warrior, protects the brave and valorous. She is the patron of architects and sculptors as well as of spinners and weavers. She also protects horses and oxen. The olive tree is another of her gifts. Athena created the bridle and taught the art of taming horses. Athena extends her protection not only to individuals
  3. Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:51 by @Flamecrow Neutral Good Deities of the Lands
  4. Zeus, god of air: Domains: Air, Strength Zeus rules supreme over lightning, thunder and air, his ever watchful eye spotting all beneath the raging dark clouds and open skies. He is known both for his divine strength and furious power, as for his many escapades with many a female. Females both divine and mortal in nature have been with him. Often portrait as a broad, muscular man in a white robe, Zeus always holds his lightning bolt in one hand. This lightning is rumoured to have smitten the Titans off into the Underworld. Though originally created by them, Zeus did not hesitate to
  5. Saint Marcus Saint Marcus was, in life, a simple baker. He was not a cheerful Halfling and tended toward outbursts of anger (especially when people smeared grubby fingerprints on his nice, clean windows). However, he was always pleased to see villagers and visitors that appreciated his baked goods. If the local children were polite and well-behaved, he would frequently treat them to his collection of handmade cakes and candies. He loved to experiment with new combinations of ingredients and always had a remedial bun for all occasions. Colds, Rashes, insect bites and the likes were easily
  6. Eilistraee; the Dark Maiden, Lady of the Dance, Lady Silverhair Eilistraee is the goddess of the drow, the dark skinned elven kindred, and the Matriarchal Goddess of those that have forsaken the Dark Depths and the City of Erelhei-Cinlu. Though her clergy still maintain a temple in her honour there. Symbol: A long haired female drow dancing before a full moon with silver bastard sword in hand Clerical Domains: Good, Protection, Travel, Water. Portfolio: Chaos, Charm, Song, Beauty, Dance, Swordwork, Hunting, Moonlight and Portals. Little is known of Eilistraee though it
  7. Deep Sashelas; Lord of the Undersea, the Dolphin Prince, the Knowledgeable One, Sailor's Friend Deep Sashaelas is the Lord of the Undersea and the patron of the sea elves, created when the Dolphin Prince enabled the elven inhabitants of a sinking city to survive in their submerged realm. Symbol: A leaping dolphin upon an azure sea. Domains: Animal (Aquatic), Knowledge (especially that which is hidden), Trickery, Water. Portfolio: Change, Diplomacy and Illusion. One of the Seldarine Sashelas is a powerfully creative deity forever changing the seascape creating islands a
  8. Corellon Larethian; Creator of the Elves, the Protector, First of the Seldarine, Protector and Preserver of Life, Ruler of All Elves Corellon is the acknowledged leader of the Seldarine and revered by all the peoples of the Elven Kindred; a powerful warrior Corellon stands as an ever-vigilant watcher over the Fair Folk; both the light and the dark alike. Symbol: The (waxing) Crescent Moon; often depicted behind a long sword held vertically aloft. Domains: Good, Healing, Magic, Protection, Strength, War. Portfolio: Arts, Crafts, Magic, Music, Hunting, Philosophy, Poetry and
  9. Aphrodite/Diana, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Passion The beautiful Aphrodite was created from the foam of the sea and emerged like a pearl from the shell of a giant sea clam; she is the goddess of beauty and love. As befits the goddess her position, she was an enthusiastic companion of the male gods consorting with Poseidon, Dionysus, and others. Symbol: An open sea clam. Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Trickery, Water. Portfolio: Beauty, love, jealousy, prophecy, vanity, glamour and illusion Although she can assume any form (all of them beautiful), in her true form she i
  10. Angharradh - Elven goddess of spring, fertility, birth, planting, defence and wisdom. Angharradh is also known by the names The Triune Goddess, The One and The Three, The Union of the Three. Angharradh is the unified aspect of the three Elven goddesses Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celani and Sehanine Moonbow. Symbol: Three interconnecting rings, bound within a downward pointing triangle. Domains: Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Protection, Strength. Angharradh's nature reflects the personality traits of the three. The impulsive and whimsical nature of Aerdrie, the romantic a
  11. osted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:21 am by @Flamecrow Chaotic Good Deities of the Lands
  12. Anubis - Lord of Death Anubis is typically depicted as a man with a black jackals-head, holding a crook shaped staff or wand and a set of scales. He was once seen as a powerful Ruler of the Underworld, Guardian of the Book of the Dead, Embalmer and feared God of Death. However, Osiris took the title of Ruler of the Underworld from him; Isis stole the Book of the Dead and power of embalming, and left Anubis with the role of collecting the dead and bringing them to the underworld to be judged by Osiris. Anubis is now nothing more than an Alishan version of the Grim Reaper. When he
  13. Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:19 am by @Flamecrow Lawful Neutral Deities of the Lands
  14. Silvanus, Oak Father, The Green Man, John Barleycorn Silvanus, the ‘Oak Father’ is also known as the ‘Green Man’ is a god of forests, groves, wild fields and is regarded as the protector of herds and cattle; he is associated with the natural cycle of the year and has strong agricultural connections. Symbol: A pruning knife and a bough from a pine tree or otherwise a ‘wreath’ of barleycorn. Domains: Animal, Death, Earth, Knowledge, Plant. Portfolio: Agriculture, husbandry, fertility, growth, renewal. Silvanus is a gentle God with his faithful and those who respect the n
  15. Oghma - Lord of Knowledge Oghma is also known as The Binder of What is Known, the Lord of Knowledge, Patron of Bards and the Wise God. He is the most powerful god of knowledge in the Realms (Second if you consider magical ability as knowledge, Mystra’s domain) His home realm is known as the House of Knowledge which consists of a huge library filled with every type of book and document. Each volume is chained to the shelves, only removable by the master librarian's key. Oghma is known for his ability to answer many questions after a short period of study (the more difficult the qu
  16. Mmoomu - meaning 'Freedom' Mmoomu, the uddered one, was woken from the heavens when the local fishing spot was emptied of thousands of cows femurs. She has watched the humans (and other bipeds) and is appalled to see that they raise the farmyard animals and use them for milk, eggs etc... only to reward them by turning them into pies. She does not resent the use of produce such as eggs and wool. It is the produce which means death which she resents. Mmoomu does not only represent Bovines, but actually governs all farmyard animals. (Pigs, Chickens, Sheep etc) In an ideal world, Mmoom
  17. Leander (wemic) Domains: Strength, Animal The god of the hunt, the roaring tiger. Leander is a fierce hunter of the stretching plains, always on the prowl. He is the god of the wemics, worshiped before they go on a hunt and thanked after a successful hunt. Leander is a simple god, he does not ask his followers for special ceremonial performances or anything like that. An offering is an offering, no matter how it is done. This may make him seem somewhat simplistic but it also makes him very pure. The intent is what matters, the way it is done comes second. The same goes for
  18. Ki, The Earth Mother Domains: Earth, Protection Ki's worshippers are mainly focussed upon the soil and stone of the earth, however in some cases they focus upon a wider range of things, the other elements for one. Mostly however their focus will lie in stones, soil and minerals. Followers of Ki often use earth and stone tints in their temple outfits. The worship varies from temple to temple but ceremonies will often include stone altars, pillars or circles. Ki is a benevolent goddess who is seldom in any warlike strive or such. Her clerics and priests are mainly focussed on protect
  19. ISHTAR - Goddess of Love and War Domains: Destruction, Healing, Protection, War Ishtar is True Neutral, being perfectly balanced between her two aspects as the Goddess of Love and the Goddess of War. Linked by her followers with one particular heavenly body, her two aspects are seen as the Morning Star and the Evening Star. Her worshippers will pray at sunup and sundown, by the light of the first star of evening or the last star before dawn, depending on where the star is in the sky. Ishtar’s symbol is an eight-pointed white star, or star disk, on a black or deep blue field. The
  20. Hera Domains: Trickery, Knowledge, Protection Wife to Zeus, often referred to as the Great Mother. Hera is compassionate and caring, yet at the same time she can be mysterious and dangerous. She is the protector of women, and mainly mothers, everywhere. Oft she is called upon when a woman goes into labour, and many of her priestesses assist in the labour, blessing the mother with her divine comfort and care. The child is not their main priority, but will be helped if necessary, if only to save the mother any grievance. Hera is pictured as a woman with dark yellow-green eyes an
  21. Ethellon: God of change (fey) A god that is truly worshiped few, he is often seen as the bringer of death itself. To be able to believe in him one must believe that change is inevitable and must always come no matter what. He is most actively worshipped around the changing of the seasons and widely cursed at rites of passing of the dead. He, after all, is the god of change and death is a change. At the changing of the seasons a few food offerings are often brought to him, and then for the rest of the season he is mostly forgotten except when one dies, then he is the first to be calle
  22. Bes, Dwarf God of Luck Bes is a dwarf god that believed that he needed to guard the misfortunate from the evil spirits. Symbol: A grotesque dwarven head or mask. Domains: Magic, Protection, Trickery. Portfolio: Childbirth, dwarven magic, fortitude, music and luck. Said to be very ugly and grotesque Bes is depicted as having a large head, bushy beard and bowed legs; dwarves maintain that his appearance is so in order to scare off the evil spirits that had stayed around them. Bes is the dwarven patron god of music and dancing, and is associated with other feminine a
  23. Artemis; Goddess of the wilderness, the hunt, wild animals, fertility, death and magic Symbol: A silver bow stretched so that it appears to be a crescent moon with an arrow notched at the ready Domains: Animal, Healing, Magic, Death. Portfolio: Hunting, Chastity, Healing, Disease The daughter of Zeus. Artemis is depicted with the crescent of the moon above her forehead. Her main vocation was to roam mountain forests and uncultivated land with her nymphs in attendance hunting for lions, panthers, hinds and stags. She also protects and seeing to their well-being, also their s
  24. Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 7:20 am by @Flamecrow Neutral Dieties of the Land
  25. Triton, sea-god son of Poseidon Triton is the fish-tailed sea god, the son and herald of Poseidon, king of the seas. Symbol: A conch-shell. Domains: Knowledge, Travel, Water. As Poseidon's herald he bears a conch-shell trumpet with which he is able to summon the creatures of the deep or still the waves with its clarion call. Triton dwells with his father in a golden palace at the bottom of the sea and is also considered the lord of all inland seas. Beliefs: Triton most often accompanies Poseidon, or acts in his stead; as such Triton has few clergy in his own
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